Quick Takes
Coloring the Coast

Thomas Jackson orchestrates transformative moments in the wind.

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Animal Spirit

Ted Chin's imaginative creations place larger-than-life creatures in breathtaking locales.

Quick Takes
How Michael Eastman Turned Isolation into Opportunity

Quarantine offered time and space to explore the centuries-old cyanotype process.

All the World’s His Subject

And Michael Eastman knows exactly how to frame it.

Timely Epiphanies

Keith Carter has had a 50-year career of insights, and he's still finding inspiration.

A Lifetime’s Work

Elliott Erwitt's portfolio makes it seem as if he attended every noteworthy event over the past century. What's his secret?

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Catherine Nelson’s Digital Collages Celebrate Nature

Catherine Nelson's nature collages comprise hundreds of images pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Photo Gallery: Nathan McCreery’s Black-and-white Landscapes

Black-and-white landscape photographs that feature both vast vistas and small details.

A Singular Voice: Nathan McCreery’s Landscapes Are Personal

Nathan McCreery believes your best photographic work is whatever resonates with you.

Murmuration: Søren Solkær’s Starlings at Sunset

At dusk thousands of starlings moving in unison through the sky, and photographer Søren Solkær is there to chronicle these haunting performances.

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Brad Walls’ Aerial Images Look Like Modern Art

Brad Walls used a DJI Mavic 2 drone to make photographs of swimming pools from the sky, create artistic representations from simple lines.

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Christoffer Relander Superimposes Nature onto Portraits

Can you use Adobe Photoshop to create a similar effect to the in-camera multi-exposure method? Christoffer Relander tried it out for his series "We Are Nature."

You Don’t Have to Print In-House to Print Fine Art

There’s nothing like the permanence and value of print, but many photographers don’t have the resources, space, or volume to justify having a fine art printer

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How it Was Made: Kylli Sparre’s Wonder Wheels

A dark Estonia river becomes a whimsical photo background.

Review: Canson’s Infinity Baryta Photographique II

It's a worthy successor to Canson’s Infinity Baryta fine art paper.

A Shift to Macro Photography While Social Distancing

Portrait photographer Emmalee Schaumburg pivoted to macro photography during COVID-19 social distancing.

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Photographer Stitches Phantom Wall into Photos

Photographer and artist Diane Meyer Berlin Wall series pairs photography with hand stitching.

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Photographer Makes Fishing Self-portrait

Finnish photographer MIkko Lagerstedt describes how he made this self-portrait.

Photo gallery: Diaja’s conceptual portraits

A photo gallery of photographer Ceres Diaja Henry's conceptual portraits

How Diaja carved a path to conceptual photography success

Conceptual photographer Diaja describes her path to success in the fine art photography business

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